With a background in history, Chinese language, traditional Chinese medicine, and education, I have been laboring a long time to make a contribution that could help millions live healthier, happier lives. By publishing these books and creating my nonprofit, I hope to strike a spark that will resonate with others and make a better future for us all.

I have been obsessed with the question of how to save humanity from self-destruction for my entire life. In my search for answers, I studied Chinese language and philosophy, practiced with spiritual teachers in Taiwan, lived in an experimental community, and did extensive research in the fields of history, religion, traditional medicine, education, and economics. After a series of deep revelations, a breakthrough solution is at hand. This book, 26 years in the making, describes how to create a paradigm shift in human thought and behavior that can save our world from its current dystopian path.
The five sections of the book are:
1. Science and the Search for Truth in the West.
Explains how the scientific tradition grew from the search for spiritual truth, and explores our basic misconceptions about it.
2. Toward a Multidimensional Understanding of the Universe.
Explains the inherent limitations of scientific understandings, and provides
evidence for metaphysical realities.
3. Jesus Christ and the Worldwide Traditions of Yoga.
Explains how the life and teachings of Christ can be understood in a larger spiritual context.
4. A Unified Spiritual Culture.
Compares the principles and practices from world spiritual traditions to form a framework of common understandings and agreements.
5. Creating a Spiritual Renaissance.
Describes how we can form spiritual communities that bring people from different races and religions together, and use this template to create a peaceful, sustainable future.
This groundbreaking book is what the world needs more than ever at this critical juncture, providing a sane alternative to our unwise and unsustainable modern culture. This is a way to way to save ourselves, transform our planet in a new image, and achieve our unlimited potential as beings of light.

For decades we have known that cancer-causing chemicals accumulate in our bodies. Medical authorities have consistently told us there is no way to remove these toxicants from our systems. Now I have made a revolutionary breakthrough that shatters this belief. By using the most ancient medical treatment - fasting - as my main intervention, I have done what modern medicine said was impossible. Since I began my experiment in 2015, my blood lipid DDT levels have fallen by 60.78% and blood lipid PCB levels have dropped 58.87% so far, with all evidence indicating that these amounts are continuing to decline sharply.
Now the wonders of this age-old healing secret are revealed in full. In this book, I share personal experiences spanning three decades, as well as the fruits of my extensive research, including:
The history of fasting.
The physiology of fasting.
Scientific discoveries about the health benefits of fasting.
Considerations that must be made before attempting a fast.
My experiences with fasting from 1993 to the present, including commonly-encountered problems and many painful lessons learned through my mistakes.
The modifications I made in my fasts, and the rationale for each.
What the day-to-day experience of extended fasting is like, with detailed logs from a 20-day fast in 2007, a 21-day fast in 2015, a 30-day fast in 2017, and a 40-day fast in 2018.
The complete results of my eight mass spectrometer tests for blood lipid pesticides and PCBs.
A brief history of toxicity, our present state of affairs, and little-known practical tips for avoiding toxins and toxicants in daily life.
If you want to understand what you can do to avoid getting cancer, this book will take you at light speed from zero to 100. For women over 21 who plan to have children, imagine how nice it would be to give your babies
60-90% fewer toxic chemicals through your blood and breast milk (where they naturally accumulate), and the corresponding reduction in risk to your kids. For those who think fasting isn’t for them, I show how eminently doable fasting can be if you start small and build up slowly. If you care about your own health and the health of those you love, you can’t afford not to read this book.
In this book, I share everything there is to know about how I achieved the unprecedented reductions in carcinogenic chemicals shown in the graphs below. As you can see, it took nearly two years after my extended fast of 2015 until a large drop in blood lipid toxicants materialized, and temporary spikes were measured after my 2017 and 2018 fasts. Since a 21-day fast resulted in a drop of nearly 60%, the additional 70 days of fasting should bring about a large additional drop. After the temporary post-fast spike fully dissipates, this further decline will soon be evident in ongoing measurements.

Nothing is impossible

Troy lives in the Northwest. In addition to writing, he enjoys traveling, hiking, and reading widely.